Cell mediated immune response dominates in experimental mammary gland Candida krusei infection in immunocompetent and immuno - compromised (nu/nu) mice


Experimental local mammary gland Candida krusei infection in immuno-competent and in congenic athymie nude BALB/c mice over a period of 21 days demonstrated that the immunocompetent mice readily cleared the infection whereas the infection persisted in the athymic mice. The fungal burden, however, was similar in the nude mice and in the immuno-compctcnt mice until day 18 after infection. The ratio Ofinterferony/interleukin-4 (1FN-y/IL-4) concentrations in supernatants from (ZonA stimulated splenocytcs of the infected mice indicated a predominant Th1 response to the C. krusei infection. Stimulated splenocytes of the infected immuno-competent mice synthesised significantly higher concentrations of the two eytokines than did the  splenocytes from the infected nude mice. The present study indicates that local C. krusei infection is associated with a predominant IFN-y-Th1 response although a gradual activation of the Th2 -arm (IL-4) of the immune system may beindicated late in the course of infection

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