Mops (Xiphonycteris) brachypterus


<i>Mops (Xiphonycteris) brachypterus</i> (Peters, 1852) <p> DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: 2 ?? [2 UN], <b>Abatupi River</b>, unknown date, leg. unknown collector (INPBC: V 1285.4.1, V 1285.4.2); 1 ad ♀ [AL], <b>Léopoldville [= Kinshasa]</b>, unknown date, leg. Guy Babault (MNHN: ZM-MO-1984-1212); 1 ad ♀, 17 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂, 6 ?? [19 SS, 2 SA, 6 UN], <b>Medje</b>, 25 Jan. 1910, 6 Mar. 1910, 16 Mar. 1910, leg. Herbert Lang, James Paul Chapin and The American Museum Congo Expedition, 16 Mar. 1910, leg. Herbert Lang, 16 Mar. 1910, leg. unknown collector (AMNH: 48819, 48820, 48821 [<b> holotype <i>Nyctinomus ochraceus</i> J.A. Allen, 1917</b> ], 48822 to 48826, 48828 to 48835, 49252, 49253, 49258, 49260, 49267, FMNH: 43876, 43877, MCZ: 17390, 17391, AMNH: 49224, RMCA: 12391); 1 ad ♀ [SS], <b>Panga</b>, 18 Sep. 1914, leg. Herbert Lang, James Paul Chapin and The American Museum Congo Expedition (AMNH: 48843); 1 ♀ [SS], <b>Tandala</b>, 16 Jul. 1979, leg. C. Brian Robbins (USNM: 537769); 1? [UN], <b>Thysville [= Mbanza-Ngungu]</b>, 11 Feb. 1987, leg. unknown collector (RBINS: 22432); 2 ♀♀ [2 SS], <b>Yalosemba</b>, 17 Jun. 1979, leg. C. Brian Robbins (USNM: 537747, 537768).</p> <p> RWANDA: 4 ?? [2 UN, 2 SN], <b>unknown locality</b>, unknown date, leg. Anthony N. Start, unknown date, leg. unknown collector (BMNH: 1975.2809, 1975.2809_1, 1975.2809_2, 1975.2810).</p>Published as part of <i>Cakenberghe, Victor Van, Tungaluna, Guy-Crispin Gembu, Akawa, Prescott Musaba, Seamark, Ernest & Verheyen, Erik, 2017, The bats of the Congo and of Rwanda and Burundi revisited (Mammalia: Chiroptera), pp. 1-327 in European Journal of Taxonomy 382 (382)</i> on pages 211-212, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.382, <a href=""></a&gt

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