Lophyrocera variabilis Torréns, Heraty & Fidalgo, 2008, n. sp.


Lophyrocera variabilis n. sp. (Figs 1-19) Type Material. Holotype female. ‘ Argentina, Tucumán: Los Chorrillos, 28 -XI-04, 26 º 18 ’ 37 ’’S 64 º 58 ’ 13 ’’W, P. Fidalgo-J. Torréns’ deposited in MACN. Paratypes: TUCUMÁN: Los Chorrillos, same data as holotype (2 females, FSCA; 2 females, IFML); same locality, 27 -XI-04, P. Fidalgo-J. Torréns (2 females, 5 males, MACN; 3 females, UCRC); Los Chorrillos, 26 º 18 ’ 40 ’’S 64 º 57 ’ 55 ’’W, 12 -XI- 2003, P. Fidalgo-J. Torréns (1 male, FSCA); same locality, 17 -XI-03, P. Fidalgo-J. Torréns (2 males, IFML); same locality, 03-XI-04, P. Fidalgo-C. Porter (5 males, UCRC). Diagnosis. A generic diagnosis was provided by Heraty (1985) and Heraty (2002). L. variabilis n. sp. can be differentiated from other species by the following combination of characters: females have 11 antennal segments with lobate flagellomeres (Fig. 10); propodeal disc with truncate process in dorsal view (Fig. 5); and frenal spine 2.6 -3.0X as long as broad. Only the females of L. variabilis and L. plagiata have yellow and dark brown color patterns on the mesosoma. In L. plagiata the antennae are 12 -segmented with subserrate flagellomeres (fig. 222 in Heraty, 2002). The male can be differentiated from the other species by the head 1.7–1.8 X as broad as high; head with strong striae in frons and face; antenna dark brown except the apex of F 8, F 9, F 10 and clava honey yellow; frenal spine 3.5-4.5 X as long as broad (Fig. 6); petiole 1.9–2.5 X as long as hind coxa, and body dark green (Fig. 9). Female. Length 3-4 mm. Females usually with head, mesosoma and petiole dark green with metallic reflections; dorsal surface of pedicel, flagellomeres 2–7, coxae and proximal 3 / 4 of femora dark brown; rest of antenna and rest of legs honey yellow (Fig. 7); gaster usually dark brown with green metallic reflections; wing infuscate, with venation light brown. Females exhibit color variation ranging from mesosoma, coxae, and gaster dark green with metallic reflections (Fig. 7) to having extensive yellow patches on the mesosoma, coxae apically and gaster (Fig. 8). Head 1.6-1.8 X as broad as high (Fig. 1). Posterior ocellar line (POL) 3–3.2 X lateral ocellar line, POL 1.5– 1.9 X ocellar ocular line. Gena with transverse striae converging to clypeus, frons with striae around scrobal depression reaching to vertex, vertex with striae transverse; head with small and erect scattered setae. Eyes separated by 1.8 –2.0X their height. Labrum with 7 digits (Fig. 11), each digit with a terminal acicular seta, clypeus and supraclypeal area with weak striae; carina between posterior and anterior ocelli continued laterally on frons, occipital carina present. Malar space 0.7–0.85 X height of eye. Antenna with 11 segments (Figs 2, 10); scape swollen basally, not reaching ventral margin of median ocellus. Length of flagellum 1.4–1.6 X height of head; basal flagellomere 2.5 –3.0X as long as basal width, F 3 1.1–1.3 X as long as basal flagellomere; flagellomeres and clava lobate. Mesosoma (Fig. 4): reticulate rugose; mesoscutum 1.6– 2 X broader than long dorsally, rounded anteriorly, without setae, side lobe with dorsal surface rugose to smooth. Notauli vaguely impressed, crossed by strong carinae. Scutoscutellar sulcus weakly impressed, scutellum extended slightly over frenum; frenum with pair of short, cylindrical or depressed spines, rugose basally and smooth apically, 2.6 –3.0X as long as broad (Fig. 5). Propodeal disc strongly sculptured between processes, with processes truncate; callus ridge-like, without setae. Mesepimeron longitudinally impressed below midline; mesepimeron evenly sculptured. Prepectus quadrate, with apex broadly separated from tegula (Fig. 3). Prosternum (st 1) trapezoidal, strigose anteriorly (Fig. 12). Fore coxa smooth, with scattered setae on anterior surface; mid coxa shorter and broader than procoxa, smooth with a lateral carina; hind coxa weakly reticulate, 1.1–1.4 X as long as broad, with lateral carina. Fore wing infuscate, 2.4–2.7 X as long as broad; costal cell 0.3–0.4 X length of wing, scattered short ventral setae; venation distinct, submarginal vein dorsally with few short setae, basal area bare; stigmal vein rectangular, 1.4–1.8 X as long as broad; postmarginal vein as long breadth of stigmal vein; pilosity reduced to microtrichia. Hind wing 3.5–3.7 X as long as broad; marginal vein incomplete medially; fringe present. Petiole 2.0– 2.2 X as long as broad and 1.4–1.6 X as long as hind coxa, petiole depressed dorsally, rugose and with longitudinal carinae. Gastral terga weakly reticulate, Gt 1 with scattered setae (Fig. 8); hypopygium with 6 setae. Male. Length 3.3–4.6 mm (Fig. 9). Similar to female except for following: slightly darker color than female; antenna with apex of F 8, F 9, F 10 and clava honey yellow, rest of segments dark brown. Antenna 12 - segmented, flagellar segments pectinate (Fig. 13); branches flattened, branch of F 2 0.6–0.7 X as long as height of head; frenal spines more slender, 3.5–4.5 X as long as broad (Fig. 6); propodeal processes longer than female, extending as far as apex of frenal spines, sickle-like, broad basally and thin at the apex (Figs 6 and 9); wing venation indistinct; petiole 3.5–4.8 X longer than broad, 1.9–2.5 X as long as hind coxa; gaster smaller than female. Genitalia typical of most Eucharitidae (Fig. 14). FIGURES 10–14. 10- 12, Lophyrocera variabilis n. sp. (female): 10, antenna; 11, labrum; 12, prosternum and propleura (ventral). 13–14, L. variabilis n. sp. (male): 13, antenna; 14, genitalia. (adg= aedeagus, dig= digitus, phl=phallobase, pl 1 = propleura, st 1 = prosternum). Eggs. Undeveloped eggs are whitish and translucent with a smooth chorion; length of egg body 0.13 mm with the caudal stalk equal or slightly longer than egg body (Fig. 17). The egg is similar to other Eucharitinae as described by Heraty and Darling (1984). Planidium (Fig. 18). As described for other Eucharitinae (Heraty & Darling, 1984) but distinguished as follows: length 0.08 mm (caudal cerci 0.10), width 0.04 mm. Cranium with labial plate present, including hatched-shaped posterior labial plate; two pairs of dorsal sensilla. Body with 12 tergites, tergopleural line absent; tergites I and II fused dorsally, with 2 pairs of setae dorsally; tergites III and V with single pair of setae ventrally; tergite IV with one pair of setae and VI with 2 pairs of setae; other segments without setae; ventral margin of tergites V-VI extended posteriorly as long narrow processes; the other tergites with processes shorter than V and VI. Pupa. Typical robust form for Eucharitidae (Fig. 19), with a series of raised ridges along metasomal tergites in common with other members of the Stilbula clade within the Eucharitini (Heraty and Barber, 1990). Thirty-two parasitized cocoons had only a single pupa of L. variabilis n. sp., whereas 3 cocoons had two pupae of L. variabilis (Fig. 19). Lophyrocera pupae were found in cocoons ranging from 4-5 mm in length.Published as part of Torréns, Javier, Heraty, John M. & Fidalgo, Patricio, 2008, Biology and description of a new species of Lophyrocera Cameron (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae) from Argentina, pp. 56-62 in Zootaxa 1871 on pages 57-59, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.27447

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