Eustenogaster latebricola Saito, sp. nov.


Eustenogaster latebricola Saito, sp. nov. This species is most closely similar to E. micans, but can be distinguished from the latter by the combination of the following characters: in both sexes, body larger (see below), second metasomal tergum more strongly convex dorsally (Figs. 39, 40), spots in eye emargination and beside top of eye absent; in female, clypeus convex, median impunctate apical ridge (Fig. 41) more prominent than in E. micans, frons clearly demarcated from clypeus by suture, clypeus and supraclypeal area yellow, only with narrow median dark line (Fig. 58); in male, clypeus less hairy, supraclypeal area less concave, volsella medially with stout spine (Fig. 59 V), and penis valves prominently serrated ventroapically (Fig. 48). Female. Body length (head + mesosoma + first two metasomal segments) 18–21 mm (holotype: 18.5 mm); forewing length 15–16 mm (holotype: 15.5 mm). Head in frontal view (Fig. 41) about as wide as high. Eye in lateral view (Fig. 42) with maximum width about 3.5 times as wide as that of gena. Anterior ocellus about 1.5 times larger in width than posterior ocellus (Fig. 43); distance between anterior and posterior ocelli shorter than diameter of posterior ocellus; posterior ocelli separated from each other by distance about equal to their diameter. Pronotum posterolaterally with fine punctures, dorsolaterally with deep furrows behind pronotal collar (Fig. 44); lateral furrow present, ending posteriorly before humeral tubercle. Scutum densely punctate. Scutellum densely punctate, covered with dense hairs. Metanotum convex, hairy, with shallow punctures. Mesepisternum hairy, with fine, shallow punctures. Propodeum without punctures, posterodorsally covered with long hairs. First metasomal tergum narrow and long (7.9–8.8 mm long, Fig. 45), about 6.5 times as long as its maximum height, about 6.8 times longer than the maximum width. Sixth metasomal tergum posteriorly with prominent spine. Male. Body length (head + mesosoma + first two metasomal segments) 17.5–19.5 mm; forewing length 14–15 mm. Similar to female, but head in frontal view (Fig. 46) broader, about 1.1 times as wide as high; eye enlarged, in lateral view strongly swollen in ventral half (Fig. 47), with maximum width about 6.0 times as wide as that of gena. Type material: Holotype female (deposited in the RMNH) labeled “S. Sumatra, 250 m., Res. Benkoelen, Mocara Tenam, 4–14.vii., ME Walsh leg. 1935 ”, “Museum Leiden, excoll. J.v.d.Vecht” and “ Holotype ”. Paratypes: Thailand: 1 Ψ (GMNH), 6 ° 41 ’N, 100 ° 11 ’E, 200m, 30km NE Satun, Thaleban N.P., 26.vii. 1986, R. Hensen. Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia: 1 Ψ (RMNH), Malaya, Kuala Sleh., 23.i. 1947, HTP; 1 ɗ (RMNH), Mt. Kluang, 500m, Johore, 5km east of Lembak, 29.vii. 1972, JvdV; Borneo: Sabah: 1 Ψ (RMNH), SE Sabah near Danum Valley Field C, 200m, 14–19.iii. 1987, CvA; 1 ɗ (SKYC), Danum Valley, 9.xi. 1996, K. Eguchi; Sarawak: 1 Ψ (SKYC), Mulu, 30.viii. 1983, fl:Leea; 1 ɗ (SKYC), Kubah NP, 5.xii. 1993, SkY. Indonesia: Sumatra: Ache: 1 ɗ (RMNH), Babahrot, 15.ii. 1983, Klapperich; Lampungs: 1 Ψ (MZB), Wai Lima Z Sum., xi–xii. 1921, Karny & Siebers; 5 ɗ (MZB), Way Kambas, [3 ɗ, 7.ii. 1972, Duelaer; 1 ɗ, 7.ii. 1972, S. Adisoemarto; 1 ɗ, 10.ii. 1972, Dulbear]; 1 ɗ (MZB), 1000m, Mt. Tanggamoes, Giesing, xii. 1934, MAL & Toxopeus; South Sumatra: 1 Ψ (RMNH), 250m, Res. Benkoelen, Mocera Tenam, 4–14.vii. 1935, MEW; 1 ɗ (RMNH), Bergen Est., 150m, 28.iii. 1937, JvdV; West Sumatra: 1 ɗ (RMNH), Anei Kloof, 500m, 1926, EJ; 2 ɗ (SKYC), Sako, near Tapan, 4–5.ix. 1985, SkY; Bangka Is.: 2 ɗ (RMNH), Bangka Troe, i. xii. 1935, JvdV; Rakata Is.: 2 Ψ (MZB), 15.vii. 1982, SkY; Kalimantan: East Kalimantan: 1 Ψ (MZB), Midden, 11.xi. 1925, H.C. Siebers; 1 Ψ (GMNH), Buttun Point, 300ft., vi. 1937, K.M. Walsh; 1 Ψ (MZB), 50m, Wain River, Balikpapan, xi. 1950, AMRW; 2 ɗ (1 ɗ, RMNH; 1 ɗ, MZB), 50m, Mentawir River, Balikpapan, x. 1950, AMRW; 6 Ψ 5 ɗ, 125m, Bengen River, Tabang, AMRW [1 Ψ (RMNH), 3.ix. 1956; 2 ɗ (RMNH), 4.ix. 1956; 1 ɗ (RMNH), 5.ix. 1956; 1 ɗ (RMNH), 11.ix. 1956; 1 Ψ (RMNH), 28.ix. 1956; 2 Ψ (1 Ψ, MZB; 1 Ψ, RMNH), 21.x. 1956; 1 Ψ 1 ɗ (1 Ψ, RMNH; 1 ɗ, MZB), 22.x. 1956; 1 Ψ (RMNH), 28.x. 1956]; 2 Ψ 1 ɗ (MZB), 00° 42 ’S, 117 °00’E, 60m, 60km, Bukit Soehart, S. Samarinda, Malayse trap, riparian, DCD & RU [1 Ψ 1 ɗ, xi. 1993; 1 ɗ, xii. 1993]. Distribution: Thailand; Indonesia: Sumatra, Bangka Is., Kurakatau Is., Java, Kalimantan. Malaysia: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah. Etymology. The specific name, latebricola, is a complex name formed with a Latin adjective, latus (= broad), and a feminine Latin noun, bricola (= wine-vessel). The name is a manuscript name by van der Vecht, who may have given this name to the wasp to refer to the shape of its nest. We, however, tried in vain to locate the nest(s) with their owner wasps that van der Vecht mentioned in his personal, unpublished notes.Published as part of Saito, Fuki & Kojima, Jun-Ichi, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the hover wasp genus Eustenogaster van der Vecht (Insecta: Hymenoptera; Vespidae, Stenogastrinae), pp. 1-30 in Zootaxa 1556 on pages 25-26, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17824

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