Parapentaneura Stur, Fittkau, Da & Serrano, 2006, gen. n.


Parapentaneura, gen. n. Type species: Parapentaneura bentogomensis sp. n. Etymology: The name indicates the morphological resemblance to the genus Pentaneura. Generic diagnosis. The new genus can be separated from other genera of the tribe Pentaneurini by the following combination of characters: Male imago with lyrate tibial spurs; R 2 branch absent; R 2 +R 3 connecting with costa; anal point simple; scutal tubercle absent; comb of hind tibia distinct, with 5-6 setae; hind tibia with single spur. Pupa with alveolar horn sac; 3 LS-setae on tergite VII; proximal anal macrosetae dorsal; genital sac short, less than half the length of anal lobe. Larva with dark supraanal setae, longer and stronger than anal setae, mounted on small tubercles; arrangement of dorsal and ventral cephalic setae: S 5, DP and S 8 in row, slightly posteriorly directed; S 7 anterolateral to S 8; S 9 anterior to VP; S 10 posterior to VP (as in Fig. 23); paraligula bi- or trifid. MALE. Small species, wing length 1.1–1.3 mm. Antenna with 13 flagellomeres, apical flagellomere indistinctly offset, AR 1.2–1.3. Eyes with dorsomedian extension; temporals uniserial. Antepronotal lobes separated medially; scutal tubercle absent; lateral antepronotal, anepisternal, preepisternal and postnotal setae absent. Wing unmarked; membrane evenly covered with pale macrotrichia; costa produced beyond R 4 + 5, ending between M 1 + 2 and M 3 + 4; R 2 + 3 reaching costa; R 2 branch absent; anal lobe well developed. Hind tibia with single spur, and comb of 5–6 setae; all tibial spurs lyrate, with 3–4 teeth; pulvilli absent. Tergite IX with strong posterior setae. Gonocoxite robust, 1.5 times longer than wide, inner margin slightly concave; dorsal surface with longer marginal setae and field of short bristles medially. Inferior volsella absent. Gonostylus simple, short, about half the length of gonocoxite. PUPA. Small, 2.5 –3.0 mm long; brownish. Thoracic horn flattened, elongate, 3 times longer than maximum distal width; horn atrium with central duct, connected to large plastron plate by narrow neck; corona present, more than half the length of horn; thoracic comb well developed, consisting of rounded tubercles, longest tubercle more than 2 times longer than broad; additional small rounded projections near base of horn; anterior medial surface of thorax wrinkled. Scar on tergite I elongate, pigmented; tergites with short spinules partially serially arranged in groups of 2 and 3; abdominal D setae all filamentous, robust, apically round; segment VII with 3 LS seta, shorter than length of segment; segment VIII with 5 LS setae. Anal lobe about 2 times longer than wide; outer margin sclerotized, with spinules beyond distal macroseta; remaining part hyaline, with shagreen basally; anal macrosetae with adhesive sheaths, proximal macrosetae dorsal; male genital sac about one-third of anal lobe length. LARVA. Antenna 4 segmented; ring organ near middle of basal segment. Ring organ in distal half of basal maxillary palp segment; mandible slender, basal tooth distinct; ligula with 5 subequal teeth, row of teeth straight to slightly convex, inner teeth with apices turned outwards; paraligula bi- or trifid, third tooth on inner side varying in size; pecten hypopharyngis with 6–11 teeth; S 5, DP and S 8 in row, slightly posteriorly directed; S 7 anterolateral to S 8; S 9 anterior to VP; S 10 posterior to VP (as in Fig. 23). Anal tubules slender, longer than parapods; supraanal setae on small tubercles, stronger and longer than anal setae; claws of posterior parapods simple.Published as part of Stur, Elisabeth, Fittkau, Ernst Josef, Da, Mirian A. & Serrano, Silva, 2006, Parapentaneura bentogomensis gen. n., sp. n., a new Tanypodinae (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Brazil, pp. 59-68 in Zootaxa 1384 on pages 60-61, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17505

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