An online tool for semantic-driven WSIS


is mainly focused on the elaboration of the water smart industrial symbiosis ontology that will permit to establish informational links between industries and processes that permit to understand the possibilities and the impacts to share resources between industries. The work performed has derived on the publication of the WSIS Ontology as the initial asset to establish a common vocabulary to understand the information and share information across industries about this potential reusability of resources (water, material, etc). The main novelty of this ontology relies on the representation of process interlink in terms of different resources. Also, it is important to highlight the interlink on the potential benefits aligned with key performance indicators (KPIS) of the nexus (related to Task 2.4) to facilitate data understanding at different levels (from micro levels to meso levels). Considering these aspects, this ontology has been constructed following an agile semantic developing methodology called SAMOD to facilitate ontology construction, documentation, and publication. Based on this methodology, the ontology has been published under the following link for their reuse and extension: For the construction of the ontology, we used process information about the “CS#2- Nieuw Prinsenland”. Complementary to the ontology design, this information have served to the elaboration of the initial version of an online tool called “RIOTER” (Reactive Internet of Thinks). This online tool permit to explore semantic enriched datasets in regard to industrial symbiosis and help to establish strategies to determine industrial symbiosis in companies. All of these assets finally contribute to the main objective of the task in relation to link cross-domain information (water, energy, food, climate and environment) with socio-economic parameters and technology options to generate and assess the medium- and long-term performance of alternative symbiotic strategies and increase eco-efficiency and reliability. Definitely, the design and implementation of the ontology and the semantic repository contributed to the following aspects: • Support the data representation to enable circular economy and process symbiosis strategies. • Provide metadata and context-based information to interlink water management information with industrial process, material and energy industrial fluxes. • Generating open linked data related to industrial process and the process symbiosis information. • Support the construction of data models that permit to harmonize the information exchange and the production of Open APIs to explore such information. • Provide online tool to navigate and explore the information for their understanding and support to elaborate WISIS strategies

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