Offline web application subtitle editor


The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a sudden shift in online learning. Regardless of how clear a recording is, students may still miss important keywords or misunderstand concepts. This is where transcription comes in, it provides clarification to both educators and students, and allows educators to focus on overarching topics since time is saved from answering semantical or repeated questions. By providing students with access to content of the lesson in different forms, institutions can provide distinguished online lessons that match traditional in-class lessons. Magor is a transcription tool developed by SCSE’s Speech and Indexing Laboratory that is aimed to provide transcription services to educators in NTU. It is an existing software that will be built on in this report. We will explore new features that can be added into Magor through an analysis of existing transcription tools and their features that are potentially useful in our use case. At the same time, testing of Magor will be conducted to identify and fix areas of improvements or bugs in the software. In the implementation stage, various methods will be explored and the most suitable solution will be chosen for each problem identified. The report will then be concluded with future work to be done in Magor, in terms of new features that can be added and existing areas of improvements or bugs that should be fixed. The issues addressed throughout the duration of this project has significantly improved the performance of Magor and can possibly result in increased adoption rates of its transcription service across other faculties in NTU.Bachelor of BusinessBachelor of Engineering (Computer Science

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