Elemental mapping of prostate tissue by micro-SRIXE


Synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray emission is now a proven analytical method for the determination of trace elements. Better insight of the role of trace elements in tissue samples can be gained by acquiring complete distribution maps of these elements. Our approach is based on the acquisition of digital maps. In this contribution we present two different methods for obtaining normalization matrix: first - based on argon intensity in the single spectrum and second - based on changes of beam current intensity. The region for the scan was carefully chosen according to the histological view of the sample. A total area was scanned with a step size of 15 μm in each direction and measuring time of 30 s per pixel. The thickness of the samples was 15 μm. A polycapillary was used for beam focusing. At the energy of 18 keV the beam size on the sample was approximately 15 μm which is of the order of a cell diameter

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