Scientific Transition from Chemistry to Information and Communication Sciences: A Tribute to Professor Henri Dou, a Pioneer of Competitive Intelligence in France


This study is a tribute to Professor Henri Dou, President of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Economic Intelligence in Paris and Distinguished Professor of Information and Communication Sciences at Aix-Marseille University, France. This tribute shows his legacy and influence in the scientific field. The present research is a scientometric analysis of all documents published by Professor Henri Dou and indexed in the Scopus database. We used the capabilities of Bibliometrix R Package, VOSviewer, and Excel software to analyze the data. The publication trend of Professor Dou was a sinusoidal trend. During his scientific career, he has been able to collaborate with researchers from 11 countries, which shows his attention to the issue of science diplomacy. In addition to international collaborations, this distinguished professor has paid special attention to national collaboration and intra-organizational collaboration, so most of his scientific activities have been with French researchers and researchers at Aix-Marseille University. The subject areas of innovation, competitive intelligence, and invention analysis have been among the topics of interest of this distinguished professor. This study shows the scientific portrait, scientific diplomacy, and international cooperation of Professor Henri Dou with other researchers and better depicts the research fields studied by him

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