Real-space nanophotonic field manipulation using non-perturbative light–matter coupling


The achievement of large values of the light–matter coupling in nanoengineered photonic structures can lead to multiple photonic resonances contributing to the final properties of the same hybrid polariton mode. We develop a general theory describing multi-mode light–matter coupling in systems of reduced dimensionality, and we explore their phenomenology, validating our theory’s predictions against numerical electromagnetic simulations. On one hand, we characterize the spectral features linked with the multi-mode nature of the polaritons. On the other hand, we show how the interference between different photonic resonances can modify the real-space shape of the electromagnetic field associated with each polariton mode. We argue that the possibility of engineering nanophotonic resonators to maximize multi-mode mixing, and to alter the polariton modes via applied external fields, could allow for the dynamical real-space tailoring of subwavelength electromagnetic fields

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