The Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
The paper examines the results of the research on the
coccidiosis in lambs in Vojvodiina. The present study was conducted in 90
sheep flocks from the all territory of Vojvodina in the period from March 2014
to January 2015. Sheep of both sexes (320 males and 580 females, for a total
of 900) were randomly chosen. There were 610 adults (one-year-old and
above) and 290 lambs. Colected faeces samples were examined using routine
coprological methods. During our examination coccidiosis were found at
32.22% (29/90) flocks. We usally occured mixed infection with 2-3 coccidia
species. At sheep most abundant species were E.ovinoidalis found at 87.1%,
followed by E faurei (42%), Eimeria ahsata (37%), E. granulosa (31%), E.
intricata (19%), and E. pallida (8%). Oocyst were found at adult ant young
animals, but clinical sign of disease were present only at young animals. The
number of excreted oocysts was higher in lambs than in adult sheep