SI Datasets - Strullu-Derrien et al - An expanded diversity of oomycetes in Carboniferous forests: Reinterpretation of Oochytrium lepidodendri (Renault 1894) from the Esnost chert, Massif Central, France


SI dataset related to the 3D reconstructions presented in: An expanded diversity of oomycetes in Carboniferous forests: Reinterpretation of Oochytrium lepidodendri (Renault 1894) from the Esnost chert, Massif Central, France Two .zip archive are provided, these form the basis for the published three-dimentional reconstruction SI videos and figures. The folder struture in each zip is as follows: airyscan_raw_data - Raw data from the Airyscan confocal microscope (see published paper for full details). This is in its native .czi format. dragonfly - Dragonfly ( session data. Contains the segmentation data. model_stls - Exported stl format meshes from Dragonfly, used for imprtortation into Blender to create the published videos. videos - Videos related to this data. Either .mp4 or .avi format. z-stack_bmp - Tomogrpahic dataset of slice images extracted from raw data in .bmp format. z-stack_tiffs - Tomogrpahic dataset of slice images extracted from raw data in .tiff format

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