Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting, Southern Soybean Disease Workers (February 20-22, 1995, St. Louis, Missouri)


Contents Business session Soybean Disease Loss Estimate for the Southern United States during 1994. JA Wrather Treasurer report. GG Hammes SSDW Committee Chairmen for 1994-1995 Graduate student papers Host preference of Rotylenchulus reniformis for weed species common to Louisiana soybean. CH Carter, EC McGawley, and JS Russin Development of an immunoassay for Heterodera glycines eggs. MJ Kennedy, JE Schoelz, TL Niblack, PA Donald Effects of delayed planting and host susceptibility on colonization of soybean by Calonectria crotalariae and development of red crown rot. PU Kuruppu, JS Russin, and EC McGawley Effects of long-term corn/soybean rotation on pathogenicity of Pythium populations on soybean. BQ Zhang and XB Yang Contributed papers Possible shift to more virulent Phytophthora races in Mississippi. GL Sciumbato and BL Keeling The relationship between trehalose content and dormancy of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines. JH Yen, AL Karr, TL Niblack, and WJ Weibold Fertilization effects on Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in soybeans. MA Newman, AY Chambers, and DD Howard Screening southern soybean cultivars for reaction to aerial blight. BG Harville, JS Russin, and RJ Habetz Comparison of continuous soybean, fallow, and rotation with sorghum-sudan grass hybrid for nematode control in a field infested with root-knot and soybean cyst nematodes. R Rodríguez-Kábana, DB Weaver, and EL Carden Recent progress in identifying soybean cultivars field tolerance of Macrophomina phaseolina. GS Smith and ON Carvil Major soybean diseases in Brazil. JT Yorinori Pre- and post-infection efficacy of benomyl for the control of stem canker of soybean. JC Rupe and CM Becton Comparison of continuous soybean and rotation with cotton for nematode control in a field infested with root-knot and soybean cyst nematodes. DB Weaver, R Rodríguez-Kábana, and EL Carden A rapid screening method for resistance to nematodes and soilborne pathogens using alginate films. N Kokalis-Burelle, N Martínez-Ochoa, DB Weaver, and R Rodríguez-Kábana Progress of a project to identify differential cultivars and races of Cercospora sojina. DV Phillips and HR Boerma Proceedings of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers are published annually by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Text, references, figures, and cables are reproduced as they were submitted by the authors. The opinions exposed by the participants at this conference are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the Southern Soybean Disease Workers. Mention of trademark, or propriety products in this Proceedings does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or endorsement of that produce by the Southern Soybean Disease Workers

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