\u3ci\u3ePhlyctainophora squali\u3c/i\u3e sp. nov. (Nematoda, Philometridae) from the Spiny Dogfish, \u3ci\u3eSqualis acanthias\u3c/i\u3e


Summary Phlyctainophora squali sp. nov. is described from 23 female specimens recovered from the subcutaneous tissue of one of 440 Squalis acanthias caught off Los Angeles, California. This finding represents a new host and distribution for this genus. Phlyctainophora is placed in the family Philometridae on the basis of atrophication of vulva and anus, simple mouth, viviparity and location in tissue of fishes. The family diagnosis for Philometridae is amended to include Phlyctainophora which lacks an anterior ovary

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