Brumptomyia carvalheiroi Shimabukuro & Galati, sp.nov.


Brumptomyia carvalheiroi Shimabukuro & Galati, sp.nov. (Figs 1-17, 19) Holotype (male): total body length: 3388 (3708 ± 231; n = 10). Predominantly brown, with brown pronotum, paratergite and mesonotum, and light brown thoracic pleura and coxae, but without clear contrast. Head (Fig. 1): length 435 (425 ± 20; n = 10); width 400 (409 ± 15; n = 10). Eyes: length 278 (273 ± 20; n = 10), width 148 (148 ± 15; n = 10) (frontal view). Interocular distance 119 (120 ± 7; n = 10). Interocular suture united to the antennal suture. Clypeus length: 119 (119 ± 7; n = 10). Antennomere lengths: AIII (Fig. 3) 435 (424 ± 19; n = 10), AIV (Fig. 4) 209 (206 ± 10; n = 10), AV (Fig. 4) 202 (204 ± 11; n = 10), AXV (Fig. 6) 101 (95 ± 6; n = 10) and AXVI (Fig. 6) 73 (73 ± 5; n = 10). Antennal formula AIII – AXV 2, AXVI 0; ascoids with posterior spur, anterior prolongation long reaching the distal end of the flagellomere; papilla pre-apical present on AIII - AV (Figs. 3 and 4) and AXIII (Fig. 5). Length of the palpomeres: I 55 (54 ± 3; n = 10), II 132 (128 ± 10; n = 10), III 172 (167 ± 9; n = 10), IV 154 (148 ± 11; n = 10), V 391 (368 ± 20; n = 10). Palpal formula: 5. Newstead’s spines on the basal half of palpomere III and absent from palpomere II. Labroepipharynx 244 (240 ± 11; n = 10) long. Labial sutures united. Cibarium reduced without teeth (Fig. 11). Cervix: ventro-cervical sensilla present. Thorax: mesonotum length 626 (651 ± 39; n = 10). Pleura with 7 proepimeral setae (3–7; n = 10) and 14 upper anepisternal setae (10–18; n = 10) and without metaepisternal setae. Setae present on the anterior katepisternum margin. Incomplete suture between katepimeron and metepisternum present. Wing (Fig. 13): length 2705 (2765 ± 215; n = 10), width 895 (910 ± 81; n = 10). Length of vein sections: alpha 696 (705 ± 84; n = 10), beta 348 (490 ± 300; n = 10), gamma 661 (591 ± 188; n = 10), delta 104 (108 ± 23; n = 10), pi 43 (26 ± 11; n = 10), R 5 1747 (1710 ± 72; n = 10). Length of femora, tibiae, basitarsi and tarsi II+III+IV+V: foreleg 937 (999 ± 51; n = 10), 1406 (1376 ± 113; n = 10), 809 (786 ± 70; n = 10), 873 (967 ± 58; n = 10); midleg 916 (993 ± 50; n = 10), 1278 (1553 ± 128; n = 10), 852 (882 ± 47; n = 10), 916 (980 ± 41; n = 10); hindleg 1083 (1129 ± 49; n = 10), 1810 (1883 ± 82; n = 10), 980 (1020 ± 89; n = 10), 1065 (1069 ± 48; n = 10). Abdomen 1917 (2239 ± 45; n = 10) long. Tergal papilla absent on all tergites. Terminalia (Fig. 17): gonostyle 357 (339 ± 15; n = 10) long, with 5 spines; the spines having the following disposition: two apical, both the external located on a single tubercle, the internal at the same level than the external ones, on the middle of the gonostyle. Gonocoxite (679 long x 52 wide) (706 ± 21 x 70 ± 12; n = 10), with a basal tuft of thin long setae located on a tubercle, apex bearing four long spines. Paramere long and simple, dorsal margin length 242 (224 ± 33; n = 10) and the ventral margin length 345 (363 ± 20; n = 10) with thin setae along its lateral length and some stronger setae on its apex (Fig. 19). Triangular aedeagus, dorsal margin length 101 (108 ± 10; n = 10) and ventral margin length 103 (96 ± 15; n = 10). Lateral lobe length 731 (717 ± 31; n = 10), width 21 (26 ± 2; n = 10). Genital pump: 130 (154 ± 13; n = 10) long; piston length 103 (121 ± 10; n = 10) and chamber length 55 (61 ± 5; n = 10). Genital filaments length 3001 (2836 ± 476; n = 10) or more than 20 times the length of genital pump (17 ± 4; n = 10). Slender genital ducts. Cercus 244 long (252 ± 14; n = 10). Alotype (female): total body length 3634 (3586 ± 263; n = 10). General coloration as for the male. Head (Fig. 2): length 470 (449 ± 20; n = 10), width 435 (429 ± 14; n = 10). Eyes: length 270 (275 ± 14; n = 10), width 157 (156 ± 10; n = 10) (frontal view). Interocular suture united to the antennal suture. Interocular distance 139 (129 ± 7; n = 10). Clypeus 139 (135 ± 6; n = 10) long. Flagellomeres: AIII (Fig. 7) 339 (337 ± 16; n = 10), AIV (Fig. 8) 163 (158 ± 10; n = 10), AV 169 (Fig. 8) (162 ± 12; n = 10), AXV (Fig. 10) 90 (91 ± 5; n = 10), and AXVI (Fig. 10) 70 (69 ± 8; n = 10). Ascoids with posterior spur and the anterior prolongation, long, reaching or almost reaching the next flagellomere (Fig. 7). Papilla present on AV (Fig. 8) and AXIII (Fig. 9). Palpomere lengths: I 59 (57 ± 4; n = 10), II 138 (137 ± 8; n = 10), III 165 (166 ± 10; n = 10), IV 152 (148 ± 7; n = 10), V 383 (367 ± 17; n = 17). Palpal formula: 5. Newstead’s spines (about 10) distributed throughout the middle of palpomere III. Labroepipharynx 296 (272 ± 32; n = 10) long. Cibarium (Fig. 12) with unusual numerous anterior teeth horizontally and in lateral position, forming some rows, the posterior (horizontal) teeth; pigment patch poorly developed and posterior bulge well developed; arch incomplete. Pharynx unarmed. Labial sutures united. Maxilla: lacinia with 7 external teeth disposed in a longitudinal row and about 18 internal teeth. Hypopharynx with apicolateral teeth well delineated. Cervix: ventrocervical sensilla present. Thorax: mesonotum 757 (729 ± 44; n = 10) long. Pleurae with 7 proepimeral setae (4–7; n = 10), 15 upper anepisternal setae (12–21; n = 10) and without metaepisternal setae. Setae present on the anterior katepisternum margin. Incomplete suture between katepimeron and metaepisternum present. Wing (Fig. 14): length 2939 (2806 ± 112; n = 10) and width 1001 (920 ± 54; n = 10). Length of vein sections: alpha 726 (692 ± 32; n = 10), beta 366 (346 ± 37; n = 10), gamma 504 (602 ± 322; n = 10), delta 174 (123 ± 32; n = 10), pi 35 (46 ± 27; n = 10), R 5 1874 (1797 ± 107; n = 10). Length of femora, tibiae, basitarsi and tarsi II+III+IV+V: 1065 (1024 ± 61; n = 10), 1257 (11228 ± 69; n = 10), 724 (726 ± 27; n = 10), 958 (946 ± 49; n = 10); midleg 1001 (1033 ± 64; n = 10), 11459 (1466 ± 78; n = 10), 809 (824 ± 61; n = 10), 1044 (987 ± 49; n = 10; hindleg 11171 (1161 ± 64; n = 10), 1810 (1672 ± 338; n = 10), 958 (939 ± 111; n = 10), 1108 (1054 ± 82; n = 10). Abdomen length 2407 (2408 ± 245; n = 10). Tergite VIII with 2 setae. Spermathecae body (Fig. 15) with 25-40 + annuli (66 long x 18 wide) (69 ± 9 x 16 ± 2; n = 10), the apical ring being wider than the basal one; smooth individual ducts, common duct apical width (Fig. 16) 28 ± 6; n = 3, basal width: 43 ± 0; n = 3 and length: 497 ± 32; n = 3. Cercus 141 long (143 ± 3; n = 10) and 68 wide (55 ± 9; n = 10). Type data. Holotype male. BRAZIL, São Paulo, Iporanga, Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), Igreja, A. Paiva, 09.x. 2002: mALT, 16 h- 7 h. Alotype female. BRAZIL, São Paulo, Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, Colorida Cave near the entrance, 13-14.xii. 2002, ALTm, 18 h- 7 h (FSP/ USP). Paratypes, 14 males and 14 females (FSP/ USP): 1 male: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, peridomicile, 26-27.x. 2001, mALT; 1 male: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, armadillo burrow 1, 21–22.ix. 2001, morning aspiration; 1 male and 1 female: Ribeirão Grande (Parque Intervales), armadillo burrow, 26.v. 2001, morning aspiration; 2 males and 3 females: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, Colorida Cave near the entrance, 14.xii. 2002, mALT; 1 male: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, inside Colorida Cave, 13–14.xii. 2002, Shannon Trap; 1 male: Iporanga, Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), top of Morro Preto Cave, 16- 17.xii. 2001, mALT; 2 males: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, Colorida Cave near the entrance, 13.xii. 02002, aspiration; 2 males and 2 females: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, Colorida Cave near the entrance, 13-14.xii. 2002, ALTm, 18 h- 7 h; 1 male and 1 female: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, Colorida Cave ground, 28-29.xi. 2002, Shannon Trap; 2 males: Iporanga, Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira, (PETAR), Igreja, armadillo burrow, 10.x. 2002, aspiration, A. Paiva, 13 h; 2 females: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, armadillo burrow 1, 22.ix. 2001, aspiration; 1 female: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, Colorida Cave near the entrance, 28-29.xi. 2002, aspiration; 1 female: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, Colorida Cave near the entrance, 14.xii. 2002, aspiration; 1 female: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, Colorida Cave near the entrance 2, 18–19.ii. 2001, mALT, 19 h– 7 h; 2 females: Ribeirão Grande, Parque Intervales, peridomicile, 18–19.x. 2002, Shannon Trap. The type material was captured by E. A. B. Galati, A. M. Marassá, R. M. Gonçalves- Andrade and A. Galati. Etymology. We are pleased to name this species after Dr. José da Rocha Carvalheiro (Fiocruz) for his contributions to Public Health and Epidemiology in Brazil. Taxonomic Discussion. Among the Brumptomyia species in which the males possess a style, with the internal spine implanted at the same level as the external ones and the gonocoxite possessing a basal tuft of setae implanted in a small tubercle, such as are found in B. carvalheiroi sp. nov., are B. mangabeirai (Barretto & Coutinho, 1941), B. pentacantha (Barretto, 1947), B. galindoi (Fairchild & Hertig, 1947), B. mesai Sherlock, 1962 (revalidated: Ibanez-Bernal, 1999). Compared to these three species, the new taxon B. carvalheiroi is most similar to B. mangabeirai (Fig. 18). However, B. carvalheiroi and B. mangabeirai may be distinguished from one another by the shape of the paramere (Fig. 20), which is wider at the base in B. carvalheiroi (at least two times the apical width) (2 ± 0.35; n = 10) compared to B. mangabeirai (less than two times the apical width) (1.7 ± 0.36; n = 10) (Figs. 19, 20). The mean values for the head, palpi, AXV, AXVI, mesonotum and the wing indexes beta and gama and gonocoxite length are higher in B. carvalheiroi sp. n., whilst the head width, lengths of AIII, AIV, AV, the wing indexes alfa and delta, gonocoxite width, lengths of gonostyle, paramere and lateral lobes have higher mean values in B. mangabeirai (Barretto & Coutinho, 1941). B. carvalheiroi can be distinguished from B. pentacantha because in the latter species the setae of the basal tuft are clearly shorter, the paramere has a different shape and there are two papillae on the AIII. B. carvalheiroi can be distinguished from B. galindoi because the lower setae of the basal tuft of the gonocoxite are semifociaceous in the latter species and the ejaculatory ducts are much shorter. B. carvalheiroi can be distinguished from B. mesai because the setae of the basal tuft of the gonocoxite are semifoliaceous and the ejaculatory ducts are much shorter in the latter species. Among the species of Brumptomyi a described by their females, the new species B. carvalheiroi may be easily distinguished by (i) the strikingly small and numerous anterior and lateral teeth in the cibarium and (ii) spermathecae with very long individual sperm ducts. Thus, B. carvalheiroi can be distinguished from females of B. hamata by the ratio of the lengths of the body of the spermathecae to the individual ducts of the spermathecae, which is less than 4 in the latter and more than ten times in the former species. B. carvalheiroi can also be distinguished from B. pentacantha and B. avellari because the latter two species possess two papillae on the AIII, while the former species has only one pre-apical papilla in AIII. B. carvalheiroi can be distinguished from B. leopoldoi, B. mesai and B. brumpti by the number of rings on the spermathecae body, ca. 10 in B. leopoldoi, ca. 15 in B. mesai, less than 20 in B. brumpti and more than 25 (25–40 +) in B. carvalheiroi. Finally, B. carvalheiroi can also be distinguished from B. nitzulescui, which also possesses a similar number of spermatheca rings, because the individual sperm ducts of the latter species possess several turns, with short sinuosities along their course (“sianinha” aspect).Published as part of Shimabukuro, Paloma Helena Fernandes, Marassá, Ana Maria & Apare-, Eunice, 2007, Brumptomyia carvalheiroi sp. nov. (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) from Atlantic forest domain, São Paulo State, Brazil, pp. 47-54 in Zootaxa 1637 on pages 48-54, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17957

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