Cross-population radio galaxies as a test of the jet-accretion relationship


Radio galaxies (RGs) are extremely relevant in addressing important unknowns concerning the interaction among black hole accretion, radio jets, and the environment. In the classical scheme, their accretion rate and ejection of relativistic jets are directly linked: efficient accretion (HERG) is associated with powerful edge-brightened jets (FRIIs); inefficient accretion (LERG) is associated with weak edge-darkened jets (FRIs). The observation of RGs with an inefficient engine associated with edge-brightened radio emission (FRII-LERGs) broke this scheme. FRII-LERGs constitute a suitable population to explore how accretion and ejection are linked and evaluate the environment's role in shaping jets. To this aim, we performed a multiwavelength study of different RGs catalogs spanning from Jy to mJy flux densities. At first, we investigated the X-ray properties of a sample of 51 FRIIs belonging to the 3CR catalog at z<0.3. Two hypotheses were invoked to explain FRII-LERGs behavior: evolution from classical FRIIs; the role of the environment. Next, we explored the mJy sky by studying the optical-radio properties of hundreds of RGs at z<0.15 (Best & Heckman 2012 sample). FRII-LERGs appear more similar to the old FRI-LERGs than to the young FRII-HERGs. These results point towards an evolutive scenario, however, nuclear time scale changes, star population aging, and kpc-Mpc radio structure modification do not agree. The role of the Mpc environment was then investigated. The Wen et al. 2015 galaxy clusters sample, built exploiting the SDSS survey, allowed us to explore the habitat of 7219 RGs at z<0.3. Most RGs are found to live in outside clusters. For these sources, differences among RG classes are still present. Thus, the environment is not the key parameter, and the possibility of intrinsic differences was reconsidered: we speculated that different black hole properties (spin and magnetic field at its horizon) could determine the observed spread in jet luminosity

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