Enjoymen, Boredom, and Anxiety in the Spanish Language Classroom


This study analyzes the nature and links between enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety in the Spanish language classroom at the university level. The students participating in the study were enrolled in courses of Spanish for heritage speakers and Spanish as a foreign language (heritage and non-heritage students). Qualitative and quantitative data were collected simultaneously, analyzed separately (articles 1 and 2 respectively), and combined (article 3). A survey with Likert scale questions was used to collect the quantitative data. Enjoyment, boredom, and anxiety were the dependent variables, and the independent variables were heritage speakers in heritage and regular Spanish courses and non-heritage speakers in regular Spanish courses. Article 1 found that there was a negative correlation between FLE and FLB, and FLCA and FLE. Article 2 discovered the causes of enjoyment in the Spanish language class were instructor's teaching style as well as interesting, relatable, and engaging material. For boredom for HLLs and FLLs in FLCs the causes were both lecture heavy classes with no interaction and dislike of course materials. Being called on to participate was the primary cause of anxiety for FLLs. Oral presentations and tests were the primary causes for HLLs in HLCs, while feeling judged was the cause for HLLs in FLCs. Article 3 found that sociobiographical factors, such as socialization with Hispanic/Latinx, society’s expectations, language spoken (English), and gender (male) were predictors for enjoyment, anxiety, and boredom in both groups

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