Media and Society: The Controversy in a Political System


This paper aims to examine the misconception people have about the mass media of communication. Often, the media which include radio, television, books, newspaper, magazines, billboards, Internet and social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Quora, Linkedin, YouTube, Snapchat, Telegram, Instagram, and TikTok, are blamed for every societal problem not minding the fact that the media are not the manufacturers of these problems but rather mirror on what affects or is happening in the society. Though social media have come to justify the claim that the media generate problems in society. The study evaluates the audience's perception from academic works done on media and the political system. Several aspects of the society such as advertising, politics, youths, crime, diseases, values and ethics were examined vis-a-viz the media. The researchers adopt a library research approach relying on secondary data for this study. Conclusions were however, drawn from empirical data that were obtained from already existing studies used as secondary data for this research. Keywords: Media, society, misconception, controversies, political system. DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/104-10 Publication date: June 30th 2023

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