The Level of Advanced Digital Leadership Practice Among Public School Principals in Karak Governorate from the Point of View of the Teachers Themselves


The current study aimed to identify the level of advanced digital leadership practice among public school principals in Karak Governorate from the point of view of the teachers themselves, and to detect differences in the level of digital leadership practice among public school principals according to the variables of gender, experience and educational qualification. The study used the descriptive analytical approach. A questionnaire was developed to measure the level of digital leadership practice among school principals, its validity and reliability indicators were verified, and the study sample consisted of (365) male and female teachers who were randomly selected. Teachers were average, and it was found that there were statistically significant differences in the level of digital leadership practice among public school principals in Karak governorate from the teachers’ point of view due to gender and in favor of females, as well as the presence of differences attributed to experience and in favor of those with higher experience, while the results showed that there were no differences due to educational qualification The study recommended that there should be efforts and measures that should be taken by the Ministry of Education, directorates and schools to develop the level of school principals' practice of digital leadership, such as providing the necessary training and qualification for principals and teachers on the use of technology in education, and providing the necessary resources to improve the digital infrastructure in the school. Which requires the integration of the efforts of the administration, teachers, students and parents to improve the level of digital leadership in schools. Keywords: advanced digital leadership, school principals, public schools DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-14-04 Publication date:May 31st 202

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