Quantifying and Visualizing City Truck Route Network Efficiency Using a Virtual Testbed: Models for an Urban Freight and Parcel Delivery Virtual Testbed in NYC


69A3551747119This project explored routing app designs that can be of use to NYC DOT in informing truck drivers in NYC. This involved developing a prototype app and engaging in a hackathon in Fall 2022 to refine the visualization of the routing data. Second, we leveraged public data to construct a synthetic population of trucks that can be incorporated into a multiagent simulation that allows for dynamic passenger and commercial vehicle interactions. The synthetic truck population, which includes schedules of trip chains for each individual truck, will be incorporated into MATSim-NYC (He et al., 2021). Third, we proposed a new model for predicting zonal residential parcel delivery volumes and VMT that is applicable to large-scale scenarios and validate such a model using data from New York City (NYC)

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