The upper mid-band -- roughly from 7 to 24 GHz -- has attracted considerable
recent interest for new cellular services. This frequency range has vastly more
spectrum than the highly congested bands below 7 GHz while offering more
favorable propagation and coverage than the millimeter wave (mmWave)
frequencies. Realizing the full potential of these bands, however, will require
fundamental changes to the design of cellular systems. Most importantly,
spectrum will likely need to be shared with incumbents including communication
satellites, military RADAR, and radio astronomy. Also, due to the wide
bandwidth, directional nature of transmission, and intermittent occupancy of
incumbents, cellular systems will need to be agile to sense and intelligently
use large spatial and bandwidth degrees of freedom. This paper attempts to
provide an initial assessment of the feasibility and potential gains of
wideband cellular systems operating in the upper mid-band. The study includes:
(1) a system study to assess potential gains of multi-band systems in a
representative dense urban environment; (2) propagation calculations to assess
potential cross interference between satellites and terrestrial cellular
services; and (3) design and evaluation of a compact multi-band antenna array
structure. Leveraging these preliminary results, we identify potential future
research directions to realize next-generation systems in these frequencies.Comment: 11 page