Milk plant in Cairo City (Egypt)


Qualifying work: 154 pp., 28 tables, 41 Figure, 3 supplement, 88 sources. INDUSTRY BUILDING, FACILITY BUILDING, DESIGN, TECHNOLOGY AND ORGANIZATION OF WORKS. Object of work - plant for the production of dairy products in cairo city (Egypt). The purpose of the project to design an industrial building, namely a plant, using progressive methods of construction production. Results and their novelty. Selected and substantiated basic design and construction solutions. The calculation of the roof enclosure structures was performed. The design of the construction scheme, the collection and calculation of loads. The calculation of the coating plates, the beams on which they are supported and the columns was calculated. The rational scheme of combination of technological processes is chosen. The project of work execution and corresponding technological maps is developed. The analysis of thermotechnical features of the calculation of the inversion roof was performed. Interconnection with other works - continuation of innovative activity of the Department of Civil Engineering, Geotechnics and Geomechanics of NTU "Dnipro university of technology" in the field of industrial and civil engineering and civil engineering. Scope - industrial engineering construction technology. The practical importance of the work is to increase the technical, economic and cultural-social aspects of industrial construction

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