
Target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pada penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu belum tercapai, sehingga secara tidak langsung dibutuhkan peningkatan kompetensi bidan melalui pelatihan. Akan tetapi, kompetensi yang diperoleh bidan setelah pelatihan kurang optimal sehingga perlu dikembangkan desain kurikulum pelatihan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kompetensi asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan, strategi, materi, media, dan evaluasi pembelajaran sebagai aspek penting untuk menyusun, mengevaluasi kelayakan, dan menganalisis keefektifan desain, serta diseminasi kurikulum pelatihan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan berbasis aplikasi iPosyandu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Design and Development Research yang dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2021 s.d Mei 2022. Tahap analisis situasi dilakukan wawancara (5 bidan) di Indonesia dan analisis kebutuhan kompetensi asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan dengan memberikan kuesioner (371 bidan) dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) untuk pengembangan aplikasi iPosyandu (20 bidan) kepada bidan di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Tahap desain dan pengembangan kurikulum pelatihan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan berbasis aplikasi iPosyandu dilakukan uji kelayakan oleh pakar (metode Delphi Survey). Tahap uji coba desain kurikulum pelatihan dengan melaksanakan pelatihan di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kab. Purwakarta (30 bidan). Tahap diseminasi dilakukan kepada para bidan, mahasiswa kebidanan, dan berbagai pihak terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bidan membutuhkan kompetensi asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan (86%). Kebutuhan kompetensi berdasarkan karakteristik bidan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara kompetensi dengan usia, status kepegawaian, dan tempat kerja (p-value0.005). Selain itu, tidak terdapat perbedaan antara lama dan tujuan penggunaan smartphone (p-value<0.005). Pada aspek kurikulum pelatihan terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara strategi pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, dan media pembelajaran dengan evaluasi pembelajaran (p-value<0.005). Pada uji Pearson, menunjukkan adanya korelasi yang kuat antara strategi pembelajaran dan materi pelatihan dengan evaluasi pembelajaran (nilai r=0.60-0.80). Korelasi sedang antara media dan evaluasi pembelajaran (nilai r=0.40-0.60). Hasil penelitian kualitatif mengenai pengembangan aplikasi iPosyandu ditemukan tema mengenai inisiasi, tujuan, manfaat, menu (aplikasi, data, edukasi, komunikasi (telemidwifery), pelatihan), dan icon aplikasi iPosyandu. Desain kurikulum pelatihan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan dinilai layak oleh pakar untuk dilakukan uji coba, dengan hasil dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bidan pada asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan (p-value<0.005). Diseminasi kurikulum dilakukan melalui sosialisasi secara virtual kepada dinas kesehatan kabupaten di Jawa Barat, institusi pendidikan, dan memberikan panduan prosedur pelatihan kepada UPTD Pelatihan Kesehatan di Jawa Barat. Peningkatan kompetensi bidan melalui pelatihan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan berbasis aplikasi iPosyandu dapat mendukung pencapaian tujuan SDGs no.3. Kata kunci: aplikasi iPosyandu, asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan, desain kurikulum, pelatihan The target of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on reducing the Maternal Mortality Rate has not been achieved, yet, which indirectly requires the improvement of midwives’ competency through training. However, the training has not reached the expected result which inspired to develop a curriculum design for sustainable midwifery care training. The study aims to analyze the competencies, strategies, materials, media, and learning evaluation of the midwifery continuity of care as the important aspects to develop, evaluate feasibility, and analyze the design effectiveness and to disseminate the iPosyandu application of midwifery continuity of care training curriculum. The method used in this study was Design and Development Research (DDR). The research was conducted from August 2021 to May 2022. The situation analysis phase was conducted by interviewing 5 midwives in Indonesia and analyzing the competency needs for midwifery continuity of care by giving questionnaires to 371 midwives and conducting the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to develop the iPosyandu application for 20 midwives in West Java Province. The design and development phase of the iPosyandu application-based midwifery continuity of care training curriculum was having the feasibility test by experts (using the Delphi Survey method). The trial phase of the training curriculum design was carried out by training 30 midwives Purwakarta as the District Health Office work area. The dissemination phase was carried out to midwives, midwifery students, and various related parties. The results show that midwives need the midwifery continuity of care competencies (86%). The competency needs show that based on the characteristics of midwives, there are differences between competences and age, employment status, and place of work (p-value 0.005). In addition, there is no differences between the length and purpose of using a smartphone (p-value < 0.005). For the training curriculum aspect, there is a significant correlation between learning strategies, learning materials, and learning media to learning evaluation (p-value < 0.005). Using Pearson, the test shows strong correlation between learning strategies and training materials to learning evaluation (r = 0.60-0.80) and a moderate correlation between media and learning evaluation (r = 0.40-0.60). The results of qualitative research on iPosyandu application development discover some themes related to initiation, objectives, benefits, menu (application, data, education, communication (tele-midwifer, training), and iPosyandu application icon. The design of the training curriculum for midwifery continuity of care is considered eligible by the experts with the results that show the increasing knowledge and the skills of midwives’ continuity of care (p-value < 0.005). The curriculum dissemination was carried out using virtual media to socialize the curriculum to district health offices and educational institutions in West Java, and also to provide the training procedure guidelines to the Health Training UPTD in West Java. The improvement of midwifery competencies through midwifery continuity of care training using iPosyandu application is able to support the goal of SDGs purpose no. 3. Keywords: iPosyandu application, continuing midwifery care, curriculum design, trainin

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