High Floral Tannin White Clover Reduces Rumen Ammonia Concentrations in Dairy Cows


White clover produces high quality forage for ruminant production, but it results in high rumen ammonia concentrations, indicating extensive protein degradation. The excess ammonia is absorbed through the rumen and excreted as urea in urine, at a cost to the animal and the environment. Condensed tannins (CT) contained in some forages reduce proteolysis in the rumen, which can lead to increased amino acid absorption and therefore improved animal performance. White clover produces CT in its flower heads, but concentrations are normally too low to benefit animals. This paper reports on comparisons of rumen ammonia concentrations in dairy cows grazing HT (high tannin) white clover (an experimental line of white clover with increased flowering) or Grasslands Huia white clover

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