The Balancing Act of Working and Caring in Higher Education


Around a third of workers in England have caring responsibilities (Family and Care Trust, 2018), though the number of carers and parents currently employed by the university is not known as this data is not routinely collected. By April 2024, the Carer’s Leave Act is likely to be enforced and employers will be expected to be aware of staff with caring responsibilities. In 2022-23 the Eleanor Glanville Institute partnered with the University of Lincoln Carers and Parents Network to carry out research to explore the experience of staff carers and parents at the university. A survey including validated and non-validated measures was developed and rolled out. . The sample was constituted by 89 academic staff and 76 professional services and support staff. Survey responses demonstrated both the diversity and high intensity of caregiving commitments performed by staff. The results highlighted the ways in which different types of caregiving are distinct, dynamic experiences which create different support needs

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