
I was most fortunate to have known Anne Dupre in a variety ofsettings. I first met Anne when she was a 1L student in my Tortsclass. We remained in touch during her two clerkships and a stintwith a Washington, D.C. law firm. When Anne decided to becomea law professor, I helped recruit her to our faculty. We bothtaught first year courses, often in the same section. Anne becameone of my closest friends and colleagues. As I reflect on ourrelationship that covers many decades one theme sticks out: Annetook things seriously. She walked the walk. Whether it was herstudies, work in the courts and the law firm, classroom teaching,scholarship, friendships, or golf, Anne took it all seriously. I do notmean to suggest that she lacked humor or joy. On the contrary,Anne saw the humor in things more sharply and experienced thejoy of life more keenly because she cared so deeply. She tooknothing for granted.Anne was the student every professor hopes to have. She wasattentive, prepared, and inquisitive. She was the student whocame to you at the end of class to follow up with a question or two-not in the perfunctory way of an annoying gunner, but because shehad thought about the materials carefully (as we instruct ourstudents to do) and remained uncertain or doubtful despite mybest Socratic efforts to clarify. Anne posed difficult questions forwhich I often did not have an answer. Her questions made methink. This was not a game of gotcha, but a sincere effort on herpart to make better sense of the murky world we call law

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