
This study examined the relationship between perceived financial strain and the physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being of students in college. The quantitative study used online surveys to gather data from ninety-eight college participants. The data gathered from the surveys suggests there is a relationship between perceived financial strain and student well-being. Students reported an impact on their friend, peer, and familial relationships and reported higher levels of worry, sadness, and frustration. In addition, all three categories of student well-being were associated with overall perceived financial strain, indicating as financial stress increased, it affected physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being. Results indicate that colleges and universities should provide additional resources and seek solutions to decrease their student’s perceived financial strain and the negative impacts associated with said strain. Recommendations include case management for students with expressed financial needs, campus advocacy, and resource linkage. Researchers recommend promoting financial literacy and the implementation of disconnect days or university hour to allow the students a designated time blocked hour to access the gym or meet their basic food needs by accessing the on-campus food pantry and other resources. Further recommendations to decrease financial stress include promoting mindfulness and hosting family workshops with topics centered on healthy communication, conversations for first generation families, and the university hosting no cost events in the community for the student and their families

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