Tcs0(2900)T_{cs0}(2900) and Tcsˉ0a(2900)T_{c\bar{s}0}^a(2900) as the charmed strange partners of Tcc(3875)T_{cc}(3875) and Zc(3900)Z_c(3900) and the prediction of more members


We relate the interactions of the DΛ‰(βˆ—)Kβˆ—\bar{D}^{(\ast)} K^\ast and D(βˆ—)Kβˆ—D^{(\ast)} K^\ast systems to those of D(βˆ—)D(βˆ—)D^{(\ast)}D^{(\ast)} and D(βˆ—)DΛ‰(βˆ—)D^{(\ast)}\bar{D}^{(\ast)} respectively, considering the residual strong interactions at the near-threshold energy is too weak to excite the strange quarks inside the hadrons. We propose an effective model to describe the low-energy S-wave interactions that are undertaken by the light uu, dd quarks between two separated heavy hadrons. We find that the existence of molecules in the heavy-(anti)heavy sectors will naturally lead to the emergence of molecular states in DΛ‰(βˆ—)Kβˆ—\bar{D}^{(\ast)} K^\ast and D(βˆ—)Kβˆ—D^{(\ast)} K^\ast systems. The recently observed Tcs0(2900)T_{cs0}(2900) and TcsΛ‰0a(2900)T_{c\bar{s}0}^a(2900) can be well identified as the 0(0+)0(0^+) and 1(0+)1(0^+) partners of Tcc(3875)T_{cc}(3875) and Zc(3900)Z_c(3900) in the charmed strange sector, respectively. We also predict their members under the {\it heavy} (cc and ss) quark symmetry and SU(2) flavor symmetry. Most of them are very good molecule candidates, for example, (i) the 0(1+)0(1^+) states in Dβˆ—Dβˆ—D^\ast D^\ast, DΛ‰Kβˆ—\bar{D}K^\ast, DΛ‰βˆ—Kβˆ—\bar{D}^\ast K^\ast; (ii) the 0(+)(2+(+))0^{(+)}(2^{+(+)}) states in Dβˆ—DΛ‰βˆ—D^\ast \bar{D}^\ast, DΛ‰βˆ—Kβˆ—\bar{D}^\ast K^\ast, Dβˆ—Kβˆ—D^\ast K^\ast; (iii) the 1βˆ’(0++)1^-(0^{++}) state in Dβˆ—DΛ‰βˆ—D^\ast\bar{D}^\ast and 1(1+)1(1^+) state in Dβˆ—Kβˆ—D^\ast K^\ast. The 0+(0++)0^+(0^{++}) state in DDΛ‰D\bar{D} and the 0(1+)0(1^+) state in DKβˆ—DK^\ast might also exist as virtual states, and the 0(1+)0(1^+) DKβˆ—DK^\ast can serve as a key to infer the existence of 0+(0++)0^+(0^{++}) DDΛ‰D\bar{D}. The DsΟ€D_s\pi invariant mass spectrum of TcsΛ‰0a(2900)T_{c\bar{s}0}^a(2900) is also studied within the coupled-channel approach, and the molecular interpretation of TcsΛ‰0a(2900)T_{c\bar{s}0}^a(2900) is consistent with the experimental data. Searching for the predicted states in experiments is crucial to discriminate the different pictures for interpreting these near-threshold exotica.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figs, and 4 table

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