Consumer Intravenous Vitamin Therapy: Wellness Boost or Toxicity


Intravenous vitamin therapy (IVVT) has become increasingly popular in recent years promising to cure or improve a variety of health problems or infuse “wellness”. Patients and consumers have IV vitamins or other nutrients and fluids infused into their arms outside the hospital setting in medical spas, hydration rooms, integrative medicine, and concierge primary care practices. The IVVT “menu” options include but are not limited to mixes containing Vitamin C, B12, glutathione, electrolytes, and saline. In the U.S., the IV administration of nutrients is considered drug or parenteral nutrition. In this paper, we describe what we learned while trying to answer a question of a patient contemplating an IVVT treatment at a retail store. Discussion of the regulatory issues and pharmacokinetics associated with IVVT is complex and beyond the scope of this paper. There is insufficient evidence to conclude there is benefit from these expensive services provided often without the knowledge of the person’s primary care physician but believe there is possibility of harm

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