
The Polish Fireball Network (PFN), has been undergoing continuous development. Since then, several large grants have been obtained, which were at least partly used for modernization purposes. In recent years, two more grants have been obtained, which allowed for the expansion and modification of the existing PFN infrastructure. In 2021, the PFN76 Kozienice was modernized, but also the PFN14 Zielona Góra station was reactivated and the new PFN77 Suhora station was launched in 2022. Thanks to these improvements, the tracking of meteoroids entering the Earth Atmosphere above Poland became more accurate, which facilitates the search for meteorites and increases the chances of finding new fresh meteorites in Poland. On the night of May 10, 2021, PFN stations registered an exceptionally slow bolide. The phenomenon named PF100521 Wykrot appeared over central Poland in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship at 21:32 UT and calculations showed that some meteorites may have fallen. This phenomenon was used to conduct a series of analyzes to show how observational uncertainties affect the final results. Two variants of the results are presented in this work

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