Value of leisure-related function of forest in view of the results of nationwide survey in Poland


Driven by social and economic changes, which have taken place for the last 30 years, the European forest management objectives have been redefined. By the action of public opinion, forest management, increasingly frequently and in a broader range, focuses on public benefits from forests. One of the most important functions is the possibility of leisure and recreation in the forest. The purpose of the research was the analysis of the hypothetical readiness to finance the leisure−related function of forest based on WTP (Willingness To Pay) amount. A question, which enabled the assessment of a social value of leisure−related function of forest, was asked to a random−quota sample of 1000 people over 18 years of age during the nationwide survey carried out in 2013 by TNS Polska. Out of 1000 respondents, the WTP>0 was declared by 29% respondents. Surveyed persons indicating forest with poorer infrastructure declared higher values calculated per household (PLN 13.59 ±0.84) than respondents who selected a better managed forest (PLN 12.86 ±0.88, PLN 12.91 ±1.46). The average WTP amount per person for respondents with the university degree (bachelor and master degree) was PLN 6.23 ±0.48, whereas for respondents with lower education, it was on the level of PLN 5.26 ±0.25. The average WTP also depended on the age of respondents. It was PLN 11.42 ±1.43 for 20−year−olds per family, whereas for 40−year−olds it was PLN 14.16 ±1.05. The average WTP per person increased along with the age of respondents; from PLN 4.37 ±0,42 (20−year−olds) to PLN 6.00 ±1.11 (80−year−olds). Disregarding the top WTP value per household of respondents in the worst financial situation (20.00 ±10.00), the average WTP value per household increased from PLN 10.26 ±1.69 (in poor financial situation) to PLN 14.55 ±2.97 (very well−off)

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