Silvicultural planning in spruce mire forests by the means of the BDq method


This paper addresses problems associated with the silvicultural planning in the Norway spruce mire forests (Sphagno girgensohnii−Piceetum Polak. 1962) that are characterized by an uneven−aged structure and a high degree of irregularity at small scale. Based on detailed inventory using 30 permanent circular sample plots in two control units located in the Augustów Forest (NE Poland), the BDq method was employed for determining future silvicultural activities of the current forest management cycle. The equilibrium models are based on diameter distributions and have the following parameters, depending on site conditions: B=28 m²/ha; q−factor=1.32 and D=51 cm in the case of poorer forest site type (S.−P. typicum) and 55 cm more fertile one (S.−P. thelypteridetosum)

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