To what extent are Russian ‘anti-access’ and ‘area-denial’ systems defensive or offensive in character?


In recent years, A2/AD capabilities are one of the top subjects of press and media discussions aimed to examine contemporary European security order as well as the ability of the NATO to conduct collective defence. In this context, Russian A2/AD capabilities are considered as one of the biggest threats for NATO member states in the case of a potential conflict. Trying to answer whether Russian A2/AD systems are defensive or offensive in character, a given answer can be that the systems are both. A reason is that combat systems are not only defensive or offensive in character nowadays. The above mentioned phenomenon of modern, complex combat systems allowed Russia to build up A2/AD capabilities which are recognized as very efficient during defensive operations. On the other hand, the systems provide the ability to carry out offensive operations in accordance with the old rule – attack effectively first and A2/AD bubbles could facilitate it within their range. Moreover, the capabilities are a key element of efforts to reconstruct Russia’s superpower position

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