LED diodes - environmentally hazardous waste


W Laboratorium Charakteryzacji Materiałów Wysokiej Czystości ITME przeprowadzono analizę składu chemicznego kilku rodzajów diod LED obecnych na polskim rynku [2]. Omówiono zawartość metali kancerogennych oraz metali niebezpiecznych dla środowiska . Porównano je z rezultatami uzyskanymi w UCI (Uniwersytet Kalifornia) opisanymi w [1] i normami TTCL.An analysis of the chemical composition of several types of light-emitting diodes available on the Polish market was conducted in the Department of High Purity Materials Characterization of ITME [2]. In the course of the analysis, the content of carcinogenic metals and environmentally hazardous metals was explored. The findings were compared with the results achieved at the University of California, Irvine, described in [1], and with TTCL standards

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