Operation of the electronic transport systems on within vast railway area


The transport safety is a property of the transport process (movement of individuals and/or goods), characterized by absence of danger to life and health of individuals [1,2,10]. This process should represent a high reliability and safety. The measure of safety is certainty that components of the transport process will remain intact during operation, except for natural changes due to ageing and wear. To ensure a sufficient safety level, it is vital to employ the electronic transport systems which aim is to increase the safety of transferred individuals and goods. The electronic transport systems are designed to detect the threats that occur during the transport process (for both stationary and moving objects). This article presents influence of the electromagnetic interferences within vast railway area on the electronic transport systems with one transmission bus. These electromagnetic interferences are able to completely compromise the electronic system, induce the voltage in the transmission buses or in other components of the system and trigger the alarm (higher probability of false alarm). While operating the transport safety system, full spectrum of electromagnetic interferences should be taken into account. Due to complex behavior of the electromagnetic waves during penetration (propagation), influence of the electromagnetic interferences requires separate analyzes for different frequency bands

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