Development of the Kładkowe Bagno peat-bog in the Late Glacial and Holocene: diversified history of two deposit basins studied with use of macrofossil remains analysis


This pa per pres ents re sults of in ves ti ga tion on peat and la cus trine sedi ments from the K³ad kowe Bagno peat- bog located in the Puszcza Knyszyñska For est. Us ing analy sis of plant re mains from sedi ment sam ples, vege ta tive and gen era tive finds were iden ti fied which al lowed de scrib ing peat units. Bas ing on these re sults, re con struc tion of sub fos silvege ta tion and pa laeoen vi ron men tal changes in the mire was made. Al to gether 4 sub as so cia tions of Sphag ne tum mag -el lan ici were de scribed, which de liv ered in for ma tion about hu mid ity of the mire sur face dur ing peat form ing pro -cesses. Stages of de posit de vel op ment were dated by ra dio car bon method. Ac cu mu la tion of the old est sedi ments in thesouth ern ba sin took place in the Late Gla cial. Peat of the north ern ba sin started to ac cu mu late in the At lan tic pe riod.The both parts of the mire ag gre gated proba bly 400 years ago

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