University of Zagreb. Academy of Music. Conducting, Harp and Percussion Instruments Department.
Uvodna anegdota na neki način sublimira gotovo cijelu problematiku teme ovog diplomskog rada. Od izbora repertoara, izvođača i prostora u kojem se snima, tehnologije snimanja, vremenskih ograničenja, pripreme dirigenta, izvođača i tehničara, do same filozofije, razloga te načina snimanja glazbenog djela. Cijeli proces je razrađen prvenstveno iz perspektive orkestralnog dirigenta kroz tri faze nastajanja snimke: priprema, snimanje i post-produkcija.In a way, almost the entire subject of this thesis is sublimated in the introductory anecdote. From the choice of repertoire, performers, and venues in which to record, recording technology, time constraints, and the preparation of conductors, performers, and technicians, to the very philosophy, reasons, and methods of recording a piece of music. The entire process is elaborated primarily from the perspective of the orchestral conductor through three phases of recording: preparation, recording and post-production