Axiological Dimension of the External Factors of Informational Confrontation in Ukraine


The purpose of the research is to analyze the ways how values in the contemporary Ukrainian society are constructed under the external influence as well as the informational and conceptual aggression. Methods: formalization, generalization, classification, systematization extrapolation. Results. The axiological aspects of the information component of the "hybrid" war in Eastern Ukraine have been analysed in the terms the scientific paradigm of social philosophy. The construction of the value orientations in Ukrainian society during its lifetime as well as the factors of external informational influence during last decades were presented in the paper. The concept of the "European values" was explored, served along with thea historical comparative analysis of the statutory documents that the values were specified. The main components of the European civilizational model were defined along with the problems of its academic and practical enactment in the context of the “hybrid” war in Eastern Ukraine. The need of the Eastern value factors to be considered as an element of the conceptual aggression against Ukraine is emphasized as a prerequisite of the effective information defence strategy

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