Professional profiles and personality traits towards social network team building


Today’s increasing hurriedness in our way of life along with technology advances demand from businesses to react always in a faster mode, while maintaining or, better yet, improving the quality of their products and services. Towards that objective, businesses can gain benefits by employing redefined team-building processes through which teams will be generated in a more cohesive and efficient manner. Aiming at forming productive and effective teams, we present PROTEAS, a framework where professional profiles and personality traits are both taken into account in the teambuilding process. The professional portrait of users is drawn from their LinkedIn accounts, while hints for their personality are obtained by a well-defined questionnaire based on the Big Five Factor Model. The significance of personality is substantiated by recent research work where it has been proven that personality traits can play a vital role in group dynamics. Motivated by the latter, PROTEAS defines a series of variables where characteristics of team members (e.g. skills, education) are combined with personality traits towards identifying candidate teams. All candidates are evaluated via a weight-based algorithm which calculates pair-wise similarities among teams’ members and ranks the teams accordingly at the end. To assess the effectiveness of PROTEAS an academic setting has been chosen and through the experimentation a number of interesting observations occurred which are analogous to those of similar researches, confirming the significance of personality and professional compatibility between team members

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