Investigations of electric field strength (in EMC context) in chosen vehicles exposed to electromagnetic field


Fast development of electronics in recent years causes that the number of various kind electronic systems is still growing. This causes also that requirements concerning tests of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of whole vehicles as well as their electric/electronic subassemblies become more significant. In this paper, the most important requirements of international regulations in the range of EMC, i. e., ECE UN Regulation No. l0 and EU Directive 2004/104/EC, have been outlined. Moreover, results of investigations of electric field strength inside of three chosen vehicles have been presented. The tests have been performed, according to Directive 2004/104/EC, in an absorber-lined shielded chamber in thefrequency band 20MHz to 2000MHz and at the electric field strength in the reference point equal to 30V/m. The most important results of these investigations have been presented in the form of graphs of electric field strength distribution in various points of tested vehicles. Individual electric/electronic devices o f a vehicle are exposed to electromagnetic field with a very wide range of values of electric field strength - depending upon a device position in a vehicle, vehicle type and antenna polarization. Values of electric field strength inside of a vehicle may essentially exceed the values recommended by standards for immunity tests of electric/electronic subassemblies

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