Investigating the attitude of medical students to the effect of applying correct skills of teacher-student communication on learning physiology


Background: Physiology is one of the most basic lessons among medical education courses. The teacher can facilitate the teaching process for compensating deficiencies in textbooks.Method: This study was a descriptive cross-sectional study and the available sampling method was used. The study population in this study was students of Abadan University of Medical Sciences who had physiology lessons in their curriculum in the first semester of the 2019-2020 academic years.Results: The results showed that respect for the student's personality, teacher's scientific mastery of the subject of teaching and a few minutes break between teaching with %95.7, the flexibility of the teacher and the interest in teaching with 92.7%, the up-to-datedness of the teacher with 92.7%, and the way of speaking and pleasantness of the teacher with 91.3% have the greatest impact on increasing learning of students. On the other hand, teacher's strictness with %46.5 and teacher's stubbornness with %8.7 had the least effect on increasing student's learningConclusions: The results obtained regarding the correct communication skills between teacher and students as the most effective in better learning physiology lessons and the highest scores, respectively, were:: teacher's scientific mastery, teacher's expression, respect for the student's personality by the teacher, teacher's up to dateness, teacher's flexibility, teacher's sobriety, teacher's appropriate class management, teacher's high self-confidence, teacher's patience, teacher's kindness, and teacher's interest in teaching

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