Current Research Directions in Approaching the Effects Generated by of Corruption and Political Risk on Competitiveness and Organizational Performance


A dynamic environment involves change and innovation. The macroeconomic environment is the ,,terrain’’ where all organisations economy compete. In a dynamic market, organisations need to adapt quickly to changes and develop innovative ideas, products and services under the influence of socio-economic factors to keep up with new trends. The business environment brings together economic, social, cultural and political-institutional components. Some factors directly influence organisational performance, while the influence of other factors is only indirect. From an optimistic perspective, these factors can generate opportunities, and from a pessimistic perspective, threats and challenges for the organisation. The aim of this paper is to investigate and define corruption and political risk by identifying influences on competitiveness and performance under the latest global trends in technological development. The main objective of the article is to define and review the current literature on the influence of corruption and political risk on organizational competitiveness and performance

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