The present paper is inspired by a previous work
\cite{Luo_Waveguide_MassCritical} of the author, where the large data
scattering problem for the focusing cubic nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation
(NLS) on R2×T was studied. Nevertheless, the results
from \cite{Luo_Waveguide_MassCritical} are by no means sharp, as we could not
even prove the existence of ground state solutions on the formulated threshold.
By making use of the variational tools introduced by the author
\cite{Luo_inter}, we establish in this paper the sharpened scattering results.
Yet due to the mass-critical nature of the model, we encounter the major
challenge that the standard scaling arguments fail to perturb the energy
functionals. We overcome this difficulty by proving a crucial Legendre-Fenchel
identity for the variational problems with prescribed mass and frequency. More
precisely, we build up a general framework based on the Legendre-Fenchel
identity and show that the much harder or even unsolvable variational problem
with prescribed mass, can in fact be equivalently solved by considering the
much easier variational problem with prescribed frequency. As an application
showing how the geometry of the domain affects the existence of the ground
state solutions, we also prove that while all mass-critical ground states on
Rd must possess the fixed mass M(Q), the existence of
mass-critical ground states on Rd×T is ensured for a
sequence of mass numbers approaching zero.Comment: A gap in the proof of Thm 1.5 fixed. Thm. 1.5 reformulate