Caring of Covid-19 clients by nurses and midwives in Lesotho: feedback of a pre- and post-workshop questionnaire


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in 2019 and has altered, in varying ways, the practices of health care providers, hospitals, clinics, and patients. Aim: This survey aimed to evaluate the skills of nurses and midwives regarding prevention, control, care, and management of Covid-19 in the ten districts of Lesotho. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey of workshop pre-and post-test questionnaires that were completed by 173 nurses and midwives was conducted. The questionnaire elicited information on COVID-19 general knowledge, the nursing process during patient care, and legal and ethical aspects of patient care. Results: The response rate for the pre-and post-test was 100% and 98%, respectively. All the nurses and midwives who returned the post-test questionnaire had good knowledge of COVID-19, infection prevention practice, application of the nursing process, and the ethical principles that apply in the care of COVID-19 patients. Conclusion: We conclude that workshop training provided to nurses assist in improving their knowledge for the management of patients, especially during crisis management such as the COVID-19 pandemic

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