Pearl millet forage productivity under sprinkler irrigation system in sandy soil


A field experiment was conducted in a private farm (30o40' N latitude, 32o15' E longitude, and 10.0 m above mean sea level), Ismailia Governorate, Egypt, during the 2020 and 2021 summer growing seasons. The aim was to study the effect of four irrigation treatments (125, 100, 75% ETo, and farmer practice) on pearl millet forage yield. Average amounts of applied irrigation water under 125, 100, 75% ETo and farmer practice were 4637, 3710, 2782, and 5950 m3/ha, respectively with respective average water consumption values of 4130, 3308, 2482, and 5302 m3/ha. Compared to the farmer practice, the saved water was 22, 38, and 53 % for the 125, 100, and 75% ETo treatments. Average water use efficiency values were 7.91, 7.55, 6.96 and 4.59 kg/m3, and average water productivity values were 7.04, 6.73, 6.21, and 4.08 kg/m3 for 125, 100, 75% ETo and farmer treatments, respectively. The Ky factor was 1.17 indicating that the pearl millet crop is moderately sensitive to water stress. Irrigating pearl millet in sandy soils with 100% ETo will save 38% of applied irrigation water, achieve water use efficiency of 7.55 green yield/m3 of water consumed, and water productivity of 6.73 kg green yield/m3 of water applied. Keywords: Pearl millet, BIS model, sprinkler system, sandy soil, water use efficiency and water productivit

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