A Proposed Workflow for Conceptual Visualization Studies in Urban 3D-Models


Different types of invisible parameters, such as air quality and noise, are all affected by new constructions of infrastructure and buildings and should be considered as important aspects in the design of new urban environments. At the same time these parameters are difficult to communicate in a comprehensible way and their consequences can be difficult to grasp for non-experts. Effective visualization offers possibilities to include and create consensus among stakeholders in urban planning processes and thus contributes to a holistic view and more sustainable solutions. This paper presents and discusses a proposed method for conceptual explorations for visualizing environmental data, using a so-called sandbox model with fictitious data.\ua0 One question is in focus: How can a sandbox model be used for the development of visualization concepts in urban 3D-models? In this paper we demonstrate our methodology using noise pollution data applied in one of our research projects carried out together with the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). This project explores new solutions for visualization of environmental data in Trafikverket\u27s geographically large-scale 3D-models. In order to conduct design elaborations in an adapted environment a sandbox model was developed as part of the workflow. Here various concepts for visualization solutions were developed and tested in a series of user tests. Based on this developed methodology through application, we propose guidelines for conceptional elaborations in a sandbox model for visualization of data in urban 3D-models. This research approach contributes to developing new methodology for information visualization of environmental data in urban 3D-models

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