Sexual Pleasure Matters: Defining, Operationalizing, and Promoting Sexual Pleasure


The topic of sexual pleasure has recently gained attention and recognition as an essential aspect of sexual health. However, despite an increase in research on the subject, a lack of consensus remains on how to define, measure, and promote sexual pleasure. This dissertation aims to address this gap in research by defining and investigating this complex aspect of human experience and its multifaceted nature. To achieve this goal, three research questions were addressed from a comprehensive and holistic approach. This included a thorough literature review, the development of a clear and precise definition, and a test of the validity of the construct through empirical research using both observational and experimental methods. The first research question examines the conceptualization and definition of sexual pleasure, which is approached by developing an adapted sexual response framework that includes sexual pleasure as a central component and identifies various facets of state and trait sexual pleasure. The second research question focuses on the operationalization and measurement of sexual pleasure. To address this, a self-report questionnaire called the Amsterdam Sexual Pleasure Inventory (ASPI) is developed to measure the various facets of sexual pleasure. The validity of the ASPI was established through an extensive psychometric evaluation, which demonstrated good properties. The third research question addresses the promotion of sexual pleasure through testing an unguided 4-week online intervention for women. The results indicate that the intervention was effective in promoting one specific facet of sexual pleasure. Therefore, the construct used to measure sexual pleasure in the study seems to be sensitive to change, suggesting its potential utility in applied research in this field. The research results are analyzed and discussed in depth, emphasizing potential avenues for future research and offering practical implications for their application. The limitations and strengths of the dissertation are acknowledged, providing a comprehensive understanding of the research’s overall contributions

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