Biocatalytic synthesis of 4-ketopimelic acid


U današnje vrijeme sve se više pažnje u industriji posvećuje održivom razvoju. Primjer toga su strože regulacije emisije ugljikovoga dioksida kao i postroživanje regulacija kemijske industrije. Sve se više ulaže u razvitak industrijskih procesa koji su u skladu s prirodom kao što su na primjer biokatalički procesi. Nagli razvoj upotrebe enzima i biokatalize je već prisutan i očekuje se da će se ubrzati u daljnjoj budućnosti. U ovom radu je dan pregled što su to enzimi, koje su njihove prednosti i nedostatci te koji su izazovi za njihovo korištenje u industriji. Iznesene su suvremene metode koje se trenutno koriste za poboljšavanje svojstava enzima, a time i za proces biokatalize. Također je dan pregled upotrebe enzima u industriji te su spomenuti konkretni primjeri biokatalitičke sinteze s naglaskom na enzim MenD koji katalizira reakciju između akrilne kiseline i α-ketoglutarata pri čemu nastaje 4-ketopimelična kiselina. Ova reakcija predstavlja zanimljiv novi način za sintezu 4-ketopimelične kiseline koja ima primjenu kao gradivni blok. Akrilna kiselina je nefiziološki supstrat enzima MenD te je i iz tog razloga ova reakcija zanimljiva za proučavanje.In recent times a trend in which the world industry is going towards a more sustainable development can be seen. As an example of that there are stricter regulations of carbon dioxide emissions and stricter regulations in the chemical industry. More resources are devoted into processes that are in tune with nature such as the biocatalytic processes. A rapid development of the use of enzymes and biocatalysis can already be seen and it is expected to develop at an even faster pace in the near future. In this work, the definition of enzymes is given, along with their advantages and disadvantages. The challenges of their use in industry is reviewed. Methods that are currently being used for the improvement of enzymes and the process of biocatalysis are also studied. An overview of the use of enzymes in industry and specific examples of the use of biocatalytic synthesis with an emphasis on the enzyme MenD which catalyzes the reaction between acrylic acid and α-ketoglutarate in which 4-ketopimelic acid is given. This reaction presents an interesting new way of synthesis of 4-ketopimelic acid which is used as a building block for more complex molecules. Acrylic acid is a non-physiological substrate of the enzyme MenD and for that reason this reaction is interesting

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