Las Dimensiones Ocultas Del Metabolismo Social: Ensayo Fenomenológico Sobre El Ser Y Su Relación Con La Energía


In contemporary scientific language social metabolism distinguishes the energy exchange that occurs in all human interactions and throughout the human-Nature interface This exchange consists of processes of energy flows commonly referred to as transfers of energy-matter the object of study under physical and biological spheres as well as energy-spirit transfers which human understanding recognizes as experience Experience in turn may be derived from our individual conscience and communitarian responsibility which is also understood as lively experience This essay offers two distinct approximations to analyze social metabolism The approximations herein complement one another under a phenomenological approach to experience First the narrative behind the trajectory of ecological economics as a discipline originally presented as an alternative path to standard approaches in Economics Standard or mainstream approaches in Economics often posit arguments based on logical-positivist premises that are in serious need of normative frameworks Standard approaches in economics fall short of seeking a real compensation to third party victims affected by an externalization of costs without contemplating the value in situ and in spirit of natural capita

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