
The coastal retreat is one of the most common problems taking place at littoral zones, and it will only become an issue if the area is overwhelmed with commercial developments and anthropogenic activities. The coastal erosion experienced by the shoreline of Teluk Nipah, which is located at the west of Pangkor Island in Malaysia, has triggered some levels of attention among the local authorities and community. The root cause of the erosion and shoreline retreat rates remain uncertain, is due to the unavailability of records studies on beach morphodynamics in the past. Hence, this study aims to assess the decadal shoreline changes of Teluk Nipah by using remote sensing technology. Landsat satellite imageries, which ranges from 1990 to 2018, have been acquired for quantification of the shoreline change rate at Teluk Nipah using a GIS software - ArcGIS. The analysis results indicated that the shoreline is dynamic and unstable between the 1990s to 2010s. The most populated area of the shoreline experienced critical erosion that requires immediate attention by the stakeholders

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